MARKETING EDGE on TV hosts Ronan Redmond tomorrow @ 12:30pm
MARKETING EDGE on TV, an industry respected and highly authoritative weekly television programme, will host Ronan Redmond, an international media expert and the Commercial Director/Chief Revenue Officer of TVC Communications, tomorrow, Wednesday, 12 May, 2021.
Mr. Redmond, an international media expert, will be speaking on germane issues in Nigeria’s contemporary media and marketing communications space. The special programme will be aired between 12:30pm and 1.pm on TVC News and DStv Channel 418.
Esteemed viewers of MARKETING EDGE on TV are promised a bumper package on hot industry issues. Top among the topics to be discussed by the globally acclaimed media and marketing expert is Max Live Concert, a quarterly musical concert from 102.3 MAX FM, billed to be launched this Sunday, 16 May, 2021 in Lagos. The initiative is positioned to increase the Max FM brand awareness as a top radio station to reckon with in the entertainment industry.
MAX Concert will be live on Max FM YouTube channel, Max FM Nigeria, and on TVC channel 27 on GOtv, StarTimes Channel 121 and UHF channel 49.
Some of the activities lined up for the concert include live performances from musical artists such as Laycon, Reekado Banks, Falana, Ladipo, Idahams etc.
Commenting on the forthcoming MAX Live Concert, Mr. John Ajayi, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of MARKETING EDGE Group, said: “Join Max 102.3 FM Sunday 16 May, 2021. It’s happening live!! Great to partner this iconic radio brand.”
MARKETING EDGE on TV, which has been on air for almost three years, is from the stable of MARKETING EDGE, Nigeria’s leading brands and marketing focused multi-channel platform. The industry-focused TV programme debuted in July, 2018 with the sole aim of expanding the frontiers of brand and marketing reportage, offering a potpourri of happenings and developments in the Integrated Marketing Communications sector in Nigeria. Since inception, the programme has consistently featured top players, gladiators and professionals in the competitive business of brand management and the management of brand business in Nigeria.
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