Hamish Nicklin bows out of Dentsu
Come June 2023, Hamish Nicklin would have completed his disengaged from Dentsu UK as Chief Executive Officer, Media Service Line, Dentsu International UK.
The creative business leader with 20 years’ experience in sales and marketing who likes innovating products/services and propositions to grow revenue, joined the agency in May 2020 thus completing three years as the helmsman.
Hamish joined the business in Spring 2020 from The Guardian News & Media where he spent three and a half years as Chief Revenue Officer. There he has played a pivotal role in executing the business strategy that has brought sustainable growth despite a challenging marketplace for publishers. This success has brought industry accolades both as a team as Campaign’s Sales Team of the Year and individually with recognition as a top three commercial chief in the industry. Prior to that, he was the Managing Director at AOL London, United Kingdom between June 2015 and June 2016 and Google following a stint working in the financial sector.
As an optimistic and creative business leader with 20 years’ experience in sales and marketing, Hamish thoroughly enjoy, building high-performance teams and businesses that are outstanding at collaboration, teamwork and consistently strive for a shared goal.
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