Digital advertising – a bug, a reality or myth?

Before now, incorporating digital into brands’ ad campaigns used to be done with so much reluctance. The unwillingness used to stem from confusion to slight fear. It was understandable; the Internet seemed like a chaotic and mysterious place with danger lurking around every corner. Today, it still appears chaotic to a few netizens. But gone are the days of client reluctance because there’s almost nothing to fear about the Internet. The same can be said about digital advertising.

However, despite the widespread knowledge of the Internet, there is still a myth making the rounds amongst traditionally inclined businesses. While some think that digital media implementation is extremely expensive, others believe that digital advertising doesn’t fit in their budget and won’t have the same ROI as traditional media.

What’s more, there is a few who think that only technically-smart companies experience digital advertising success. In fact, there is still a vestige of misconception that some brands harbour about digital advertising – they assume that only companies which are technologically-savvy can successfully implement a digital media strategy. The expectation is that the company must be an expert in digital and tech to be successful with digital advertising.

The reality about digital advertising is completely different from the myths, bugs and misconceptions that some businesses still have. Understanding the reality will allow them to take the necessary actions to find success with digital advertising, drive revenue, and grow their business.

Digital advertising isn’t expensive. For example, recent studies have shown that a single full-page advertisement in a daily newspaper in the United States of America can cost between $2,772 (local) and $163,422 if they are publications that are really well-known like Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

However, the average cost per click of an ad on Facebook is a mere $1.72. The average cost per click on Google Display Network is under $1., and these channels all allow advertisers to reach people who fit their precise customer profile. Simply put, with low minimums, businesses of any size can utilise digital advertising to reach customers and drive revenue growth.

It is important to also note that in as much as the digital marketing landscape requires technology, technology isn’t the only element in digital advertising. Brands and businesses willing to find success with digital advertising, basically need to possess the following skill set, including understanding of emerging marketing trends, strong business acumen, ability to understand and interpret large amounts of data and expert storytelling skills. In a nutshell, all a brand or business needs is to hire employees, contractors and agencies from both technical and non-technical backgrounds with complementary skills.


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