Despite the tough times that the world is grappling with currently, it was a harvest...
The world’s most valuable brands have seen their total brand value increase by...
Ogilvy has appointed Andy Main as Global Chief Executive Officer. Andy, Global Head...
Eric Salama, a long-serving Chief Executive Officer of Kantar, has disclosed his...
Following a pitch at holding company level, Beiersdorf is believed to have appointed...
MediaReach OMD Ghana has won the multi-billion dollar FrieslandCampina Wamco media...
Dentsu Aegis Network’s Carat has won Vodafone’s global media planning and buying...
…Network’s new business billings hit $2.2bn for the year MediaCom has been...
Sir Martin Sorrell has been asked to repay about £170,000 in personal expenses back...
Energy giant Chevron, a longtime staple of WPP’s client roster, has placed its...