Despite the challenges that has befallen the world, devastating businesses amid COVID-19...
Procter & Gamble has launched its pamper Rigakafi III programme through a partnership...
Procter & Gamble announced it has named a new chief financial officer, stepping...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has tapped Procter & Gamble...
When WPP announced it was merging Grey and AKQA, its press release said that "The...
Donates Pampers baby diapers to Nigeria’s Biggest Maternity Hospital in Lagos To...
Procter & Gamble (P&G), the global multi-brand conglomerate, has reported...
Procter & Gamble recently reported an organic sales increase of 5% year-on-year...
P&G’s brand boss Marc Pritchard believes the digital media industry needs to...
Unilever has announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire the Fluocaril and...