Having launched its African original series last year, Netflix, American based global...
Nigeria’s foremost marketing publication, MARKETING EDGE, is partnering the organisers...
World’s leading beverage corporation, Coca-Cola is partnering with popular American...
American vehicle-for-hire and delivery company, Uber, has partnered with Unilever,...
Coca-Cola has been named the official beverage partner of all World Team Tennis events...
Unilever Plc., multinational consumer goods company, headquartered in London, has...
Leading PR agency, Zenera Consulting, is partnering CSR-in-Action, a non-governmental...
London International Awards or LIA (formerly known as London International Advertising...
Verve, one of the leading payment technology companies and card scheme in Africa,...
9mobile, a leading telecom operator in Nigeria, is partnering Nigeria Fintech week...