Osunkeye urges marketers to benchmark consistently
By Ibidunni Banjoko
A Chartered Marketer and tech leader, Buki Osunkeye has urged marketers to benchmark themselves consistently with the current marketing system in a bid to adapt to the challenging opportunities in a disrupted world.
Osunkeye made the above submission during the just concluded MARKETING EDGE National Marketing Summit, which had the theme, “The Sustainable Growth of Marketers: Adapting to Challenging Opportunities in a Disrupted World”. The summit was held virtually via Zoom.
In her presentation, she said: “Benchmark your current skills against the digital tools to change from who you are to what you are supposed to be in the digital world. Look at yourself and say, how do I compare to who companies are hiring now? examine how you’ve grown as a marketer from the past five years, am I still up to date with the latest technology and latest skill sets?”
“We are seeing that companies nowadays want to hire generalists, they’re squeezing their budget and asking whoever is in charge of the cost center to deliver more value on the same budgets that they were given last year. So, they’re looking more for marketing specialists, people who can do a lot more than just one role definition. A generalist is somebody who can do digital marketing as well as media buying. they’re trying as much as possible to be able to lump a lot of these roles together,” she added.
While highlighting the useful digital tools for marketers, she mentioned data analytics tools, as there are some aspects of data analysis that marketers need to understand. She encourages young marketers to understand how to present data well and the most useful tool.
Osunkeye also recommended mixpanel, as it provides you with data-driven, recommended actions to achieve your predefined outcomes. E-mail automation is another one to focus on. E-mail automation is a fixed part of the future of marketing that every single marketer must be enabled, and must be encouraged to know how to use.
“I have seen more people coming into marketing now from social media. It’s actually amazing that a lot of young people who studied diverse courses in universities, agriculture, and nursing amongst others, in the hope that doing a little bit of social media management would gain them entry into marketing in the companies and that is one of the fastest routes that young people are using to get into marketing these days,” she concluded.
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