Global creatives answer UN’s call with Global Creative Review platform
A group of creatives around the world, from agencies, including FCB, Happiness and RGA, have built a platform – global creative review – that works as an open source global council, a place to check in and see if your idea will resonate globally. The platform had opened up for creative submissions since Friday, April 3rd.
Recall that recently, the United Nations launched an unprecedented global brief to creatives worldwide to help tackle health and awareness during Covid-19.
So far, over 40 countries are now represented, but they are still looking for more, especially from Asia and Africa.
The creative leaders from all over the world agreed to join forces to donate reviews on the platform that connects creative leaders and creatives, to shape ideas that resonate across continents.
After the soft launch, over 200 creative leaders have signed up, including some of advertising’s biggest names: Susan Credle (CCO, FCB Global), Andre Le Masurier (CCO EMEA, R/GA), Damon Stapleton (CCO, DDB NZ/AUS), Owen Lee (CCO, FCB Inferno), Liz Taylor (CCO Leo Burnett); Britt Nolan (CCO DDB North America), Per Pedersen (GCC, Grey Group), Joe Sciarrotta (Deputy CCO, Ogilvy), Marie Ronn (GCD, Spotify), Ronald Ng (CCO, Isobar).
Others come from agencies, including 72andsunny, Gut, David, Cheil Worldwide, Wunderman Thompson, Tribal, Dentsu, Happiness, BBDO, Havas and many more.
The platform works by connecting a creative with three creative leaders from different continents. An email conversation allows them to connect and to organise the creative review in a way that is most convenient for them: email, video call, phone. Whatever works. The platform aims to facilitate and serves as an introduction tool.
With the reviewer side of the table filled, the platform will open up for creative submissions today, Friday, April 3rd. #GlobalCreativeReview invites creatives from all over the world to use global creative review to help make their ideas truly global, before submitting them to the UN.
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