LIA to give 50% discount on submissions finalised by 28th February 2021

London International Awards (LIA) 2021 is open for entries.

The organisers say they will be giving a 50% discount on standard entry fees for submissions finalised by 28th February 2021, adding, however, that all entries that come in beyond that date will be subject to standard entry prices.

“LIA never charges late fees. The Entry System has opened early for those who want to take advantage of the entry discount,” LIA said in a statement.

On LIA 2021 eligibility, the organisers said: “As most work is a joint effort, LIA allows any company or individual to enter work they have collaborated on”, meanwhile, “work must be broadcast, published or released from 1st Sept. 2019 through 8th Aug. 2021.”

Barbara Levy, President of LIA explained: “This is the first time that we are offering a 50% deduction in entry fees.  But these are not normal times.  As an awards show, we want to support the industry and consultancies in whatever way we can.  As they say, the show must go on. So, we want to give the creative community a platform to showcase how ideas, innovations and businesses have triumphed in days of adversity.”

The Entry System will remain open through the end of August 2021.


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