...Juan Woodbury, North America Creative & Entertainment Lead, Ogilvy, New York...
...Nadja Lossgott, Chief Creative Officer, AMV BBDO, London Named Non-Traditional...
London International Awards (LIA) announces Suzanne Powers, Founder of Powers Creativity,...
This year four top creatives will be representing Africa at LIA’s 39th Annual Judging...
London International Awards (LIA) has extended its 25% entry discount to 31st August...
In furtherance of its recognition and partnership with global award rating agency,...
London International Awards (LIA) 2021 is open for entries. LIA is giving a 50% discount...
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential, helping them to learn rather than teaching...
From 1st April 2021 entry fees will be discounted 25% London International Awards...
London International Awards (LIA) has announced its 2021 Creative LIAisons, while...