WPRD: Women in PR charges brands to harness the power of the profession
By Abimbola Mohammed
In celebration of the World PR Day (WPRD), women in the public relations space have shared their thoughts from a professional standpoint in line with this year’s theme: “Harnessing the Power of Public Relations”.
In a video posted on Nigerian Women in Public Relations’ twitter handle @NGWomeninPR, the PR Amazons expressed views on how evolving technology among other trends have helped the practice of PR effectively in terms of crisis management, building relationships and managing brands.
On her part, Lillian Obianuju Ikegbune, Marketing Communication lead, Signal Alliance Consulting noted that public relations are a marketing function that never goes to sleep.
Her words: “With the current technological advancement in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI), harnessing the power of public relations, especially in a fast paced technological world for personal branding and business brand is key.
“From social listening to online reputation, crisis management, building/managing relationships and creating awareness for brands, public relations has the power to protect your reputation online and offline.”
She added: “Despite technological advancement, as humans we learn to co-exist with technology and accept that technology has come to stay rather than compete with it.”
Tofumi Akinde, PR specialist, SoMe solution, said: “Public relations is a lifestyle and a great asset any organization would ever have. PR goes beyond press releases to the media, it covers every aspect of the human race and it is about changing narrative and building credible perceptions.”
Dr. Yetty Ogunnubi, Founder/CEO YD Company Limited, while lending her voice on the role PR plays, said public relations has the potential to shape narratives, build relationships and effect positive change.
“Our role as public relations professionals is to be the bridge between organization, individuals and the public. Power they say comes with responsibilities, so let us ensure that our actions are guided by ethics and transparency. Let us use our skills to empower marginalized voices, inspire empathy and foster inclusivity and together we can create a world where communications guides and brings positive change.”
In another development, more women share their thoughts at the Africa PR conference with inspiring quotes to serve as reminders of the critical role that leadership, culture, pride and forward-thinking play in continent growth and success.
Here are the quotes:
Nkechi Ali-Balogun, FNIPR, Principal consultant, NECCI Consulting, said: “The time has come for Africans to stop dwelling on our past mistakes and forge ahead to regain our space in the comity of nations, reclaim our reputation and integrity as a continent, assert our cultural supremacy, and our status as the founders of the so-called western civilisation.
‘Barbarism, as we know it, didn’t start in Africa, yet, Africa is the “dark continent.”
“How ironic! It is time to retell the story of Africa, and that time is now.”
Autumn Marie, KGL, FWD, said: “The digital landscape has made PR more necessary than ever for the continent. We have more reach than ever before, which provides opportunities for more impact than ever before.”
Santher Mbacham, Founder/MD, Image-nation PR, said: “Public Relations has been a misunderstood one, and through the years, it has been a challenge to get business owners and individuals in Cameroon to understand its importance and the key role it plays in the success of their brands.”
Taazima Kala-Essack, Lead Consultant at Hotwire PRC, noted: “Botswana remains a unique place to do PR within. Our unique approach has been a cornerstone of Botswana’s journey towards growth and prosperity, and this fact remains today, indeed, perhaps now more than ever before.”
Adedoyin Jaiyesimi, Communications advisor and co-founder of The Comms Avenue, said: “As with everything else relating to Africa and how we tend to lump Africa erroneously into one basket, we make similar mistakes as regards PR and Communications.”
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