Joseph Ekeng A recent report by Dentsu, titled "Global Ad Spend Forecasts," has...
By Kingsley Odii Nickelodeon, the popular children's television network, has unveiled...
By Felicia Nwosu Leading marketing and advertising magazine, MARKETING EDGE has...
By Joseph Ekeng Carlsberg, the renowned brewing company, has taken a significant...
By Joseph Ekeng Nigeria's e-commerce sector has witnessed remarkable growth...
By Felicia Nwosu As the debate for media debt continues to be on the front-burner...
By Abimbola Mohammed Dr. Raymond Dokpesi, the veteran media entrepreneur,...
By Felicia Nwosu MARKETING EDGE, Nigeria's leading brand and marketing magazine,...
By Felicia Nwosu Tech giant, Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology...
Unyielding in the face of economic uncertainties, African consumers are blazing a...