PR: The MARKETING EDGE experience
By Nsikak Daniels
“Without labour, nothing prospers.” – Sophocles
In all facets of human endeavour, few are those who will continue to forge on, no matter what the world throws at them.
Such fellows not only do very well in their chosen pursuit, but build an enduring legacy which outlive generations after them.
They do so never only in monumental physical structures, with timeless concepts, but in the minds of men, even greater than them. Those,in their benevolent nature, and unfaulted good will, have made immeasurable impact on humanity.
These are men who genuinely allow their life and work experiences shape their reality, devoid of any form of pretence. Undaunted courage to hold firmly on and driven by their tenacity to overcome the challenges of life and professionalism. Constantly ignited by their resilience to conquer in their call.
Entities wholly adventuresome in all ways humanly and professionally achievable.
In their premium nature, as the one in discourse, motivated by unshaken determination to be relevant in substance, adding high level values. Enlivened by the spirit to play, as work, grow and promote, what is of others’ interests in greater dimensions. Through this, a lot of people have experience the betterment of their affiliations, as stakeholders with diverse tags.
Recognising the truth that, in all facets of their existence, they consciously take full responsibility in what concerns them, which influence the very fibre of their actual existence – life, work, and humanity in its entirety. This transforms, and impact their environment in whole.
Enter John Ajayi,the anchorman of Marketing Edge -a ‘Must Experience,’ for a select few, with the strong desire, without a dent of a waiver to achieve incaparable essence in the clime of Integrated Marketing Communication, IMC,with the fnest smear of excellence, professional integrity and greatness in all the worth of,` the word.’
This John Ajayi, an astute, well honed, exceptionally knowledgeable, with own unique skills and style, and a talented, seasoned professional of a rare distinct class, and his dependable, creative, enviable, esteem, innovative, reliable, and hardworking team, has accomplished, in a short span of twenty years.
Here, it is indeed a brief time, for the brand, is a well polished emblazon sign, strategically positioned on the pinnacle of the industry, highly celebrated. The Marketing Edge Group, has done extremely very well for itself and the sector as well, where competition is fiercest and stiff.
Experience would reveal that, countless agencies or media – electronic and print, who were conceived and delivered, have long gone extinct.
This confirmed that the success of any business is largely and remarkably dependant on the leadership. John Ajayi is a man of priceless value. A selfless enthusiastic team leader, with a sincere humane heart, as should a human being. With integrity and in all honesty, shows respect to everyone and his work. He inspires others to dream big, learn far better and become much more better for themselves. The organization encourages gifted hands to strive to attain excellence and professionalism in their careers. An uncommon situation in the industry where skilled labour in dire lack, and in this age of a trend where many make it big, by the new art talent of google, copy and paste. The next in bloc now is AI.
As the Marketing Edge Group keeps the lamp burning brighter, for the joy of resilience, in displaying excellence, professionalism, integrity and hardwork and the raw strength to hold on, may she experience and enjoy ceaseless flourishments and live beyond us all, adding greater premium values to the ever evolving sector.
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