NCSA Set to hold Customer Service Conference

Customs Service Awards Limited, organisers of the Nigerian Customer Service Awards (NCSA) and the trade mark owner of the Nigerian Mystery Shoppers Providers will be discussing customer service trends at 2016 Customer Experience Management Conference, scheduled for October 5 and 6 at the Civic Centre Lagos.

This event tagged ‘Breakfast Meeting with Customer Service Heads is expected to help Customer Service Heads, Directors, Managers and frontline staff members of different organisations understand the contemporary issues in the customer service business.

According to the Managing Director of Customs Service Awards Limited, Aliyu Ilias, “ the conference will be an eye-opener for everyone that attends the meeting because they will be able to learn new trends in the industry and also be able to network with colleagues from other companies.”

The two-day event will feature top speakers from America, South Africa and Nigeria. The organisers have said that the event is already generating excitements among stakeholders who are eager to attend the conference.

According to Ilias, the main aim of the Nigeria Customer Service Awards is to celebrate excellent service in Nigeria. The fact remains that some individuals and organisations are doing the business of customer appreciation better than others. These organisations and individuals need to be celebrated so as to encourage them to do more as well as encourage others to better their services.

“For the organisation being awarded, we are not saying that their services to customers are at the peak of delivery, but that they are better compared to their contemporaries,” Ilias said..


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