MARKETING EDGE on TV hosts Okusaga tomorrow
By Oladapo Olatoyosi
Foremost brand-focused, marketing and advertising television programme, MARKETING EDGE on TV, will be hosting Bolaji Okusaga, the Managing Director of Market Engine, on Wednesday, 30th August, 2023, on TVC News, DStv Channel 418 at 12:30 pm.
The programme, which is a 30-minute potpourri of industry gist, events and conversations will also be broadcast on WAP tv on Wednesday at 8pm and on Thursday at 9.30am.
Mr. Okusaga is an experienced strategist and brand devotee with interest in Corporate Strategy, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. He has gracefully worn the badge of been the best as he was the best graduating student of class 1994, Dramatic Arts from Obafemi Awolowo University. He started his banking career with Marina International Bank. He then transcended by becoming a member of the nine-man integration project management team that drove the merger between Access Bank, Capital Bank and Marina International Bank.
He has worked with various companies that cut across sectors of mass media, Marketing, Public Relations and Banking. Companies such as International Centre for the Arts, Lion Bank of Nigeria, Minaj Broadcast International. He is an Associate, Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (2002) and was Vice President, Association of Corporate Affairs Managers of Banks (ACAMB) 2005–2006; and a Member, Chartered Institute of Public Relations, United Kingdom – 2015.
Mr. Okusaga was the MD of the largest Public Relations agency in Nigeria, The Quadrant Company. As the MD of The Quadrant Company, he worked with multi-national clients as well as a host of local corporations in Nigeria such as Olam, Skye Bank and Nestoil Group. Currently, he is Managing Consultant, Precise Platforms, an agency he set up in 2018.
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