London International Awards extends entry deadline to Tuesday, 1st August
By Zion Rufus
The prestigious London International Awards (LIA) has announced an extension to its entry deadline, providing creative talents from around the world more time to submit their exceptional works.
The new deadline is set for Tuesday, 1st August, offering a final opportunity for creative minds to showcase their groundbreaking ideas and innovative executions.
The London International Awards takes pride in its unique judging process that guarantees impartiality and fairness in determining the winners.
All judging rounds are conducted onsite in Las Vegas, where jurors from diverse backgrounds and cultures come together to evaluate the entries. Importantly, there is no pre-judging involved, ensuring each piece of work receives the full attention it deserves.
“At LIA, we believe in transparency and integrity. All our jurors are required to be present throughout the judging process, reviewing every entry within their category simultaneously,” explained the LIA said in blog post. “This approach allows for open discussions on cultural references and nuances, enriching the evaluation process.”
The absence of quotas in jury decisions also emphasizes the merit-based approach of the Awards. The jurors have complete authority in awarding Grand LIA, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Finalists without any external constraints. This liberty enables the recognition of outstanding creativity and execution, raising the bar for excellence in the industry.
LIA is also highly selective when choosing its Jury Presidents and Jurors, ensuring that they possess exceptional creative portfolios that push the boundaries of the industry. The jury members represent a wide array of talents, from industry veterans to emerging stars. Their diverse expertise guarantees a comprehensive evaluation process that encompasses different perspectives and insights.
“We are dedicated to maintaining diversity and inclusion in our judging panels. Our curating process ensures that each panel is globally represented in terms of region, company type, and network,” stated the LIA spokesperson.
LIA awards outstanding works with Grands, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Finalists, with the discretion to award a Grand LIA and a Public Service/Charity/NGO Grand LIA where appropriate. Grands are given only to entries that have achieved at least one Gold statue in their respective categories.
The LIA is a renowned platform that celebrates creativity and innovation, and with the extended entry deadline, more creative minds have the opportunity to be part of this prestigious event. The results will be announced during the LIA awards ceremony, showcasing the best of the best in the global creative landscape.
For more information and to submit entries, visit the LIA website before the new deadline of Tuesday, 1st August.
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