Leo Burnett Worldwide celebrates anniversary, impacts lives beyond 85
After a five-year stint in the creative business of advertising with Erwin, Wasey & Company, a global advertising agency, a then 44 year old man, Leo Burnett, threw his hat into the ring of advertising profession with passion, focus and a creatively disruptive mind as his only driving force. With only $50, 000 in his kitty, three clients and eight staff, Leo Burnett quit his lucrative job and took a dive into the creative world of advertising to found what is today being celebrated, 85 years after, as one of the leading global advertising agencies of all times.
Founded as a private advertising agency, Leo Burnett Company, Inc. in Chicago, United States of America, Leo Burnett Worldwide has grown to become one of the leading advertising industry players with 96 offices in 85 countries, including Nigeria. The global agency has staff strength of over 9,000 employees and has been carting home awards both locally and internationally with staff playing differing lead roles even beyond the call of advertising.
His inspiration in advertising may have been born after a chance encounter with Theodore F. MacManus who handled adverts for Cardillac Motor Car Company while he edited the auto company in house journal, Cadillac Clearing House Journal. This chance meeting could have stirred his interest in advertising and the creative being locked inside of him as his next move a few years later took him on a journey that was to change his entire life trajectory and the face of global advertising industry for good.
The journey to the top has been a steady rise marked by a community of dedicated and committed workforce with increased billings year after year.
In its business trajectory, Leo Burnett has worked with some of the world’s most valued brands like Allstate, General Motors Oldsmobile, Samsung, Heinz Pet Products, Kellogg’s, Kraft Foods, Nestlé, Philip Morris Co., Procter & Gamble, Schlitz Brewing Company, Starkist, United Airlines, WWF, Esurance, Firestone, Jim Beam, Marshalls, MillerCoors, Nintendo and UnitedHealthcare among many others creating award winning campaigns across its global network.
Burnett’s advertising techniques was described as “dramatic realism, the soft sell approach to building brand equity.
Burnett believed in finding the “inherent drama” of products and presenting it in advertising through warmth, shared emotions and experiences. His advertising drew from heartland-rooted values using simple, strong and instinctive imagery that talked to people. He was also known for using “cultural archetypes” in his copy, by creating mythical creatures that represented American values. This is evident on such campaigns as Jolly Green Giant, Pillsbury Doughboy, Tony the Tiger and more famously the Marlboro Man. Indeed, these campaigns played on the 1950s attitudes towards masculinity that pervaded his campaigns.
“Burnett was known for keeping a folder in the lower left-hand corner of his desk called “Corny Language”. He collected words, phrases, and analogies that struck him as being particularly apt in expressing an idea.
In his active years, Leo Burnett created some of advertising’s most well-known characters and campaigns of the 20th century, including Tony the Tiger, the Marlboro Man, the Maytag Repairman, United’s “Fly the Friendly Skies”, and Allstate’s “Good Hands”, and for garnering relationships with multinational clients such as McDonald’s, Hallmark and Coca-Cola. In 1999, Burnett was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
Burnett also engages in social advertising as socially responsible agency. In 1947, Burnett wrote The Good Citizen, a booklet concerning the duties and privileges of being a U.S. citizen. This was done as a public service for The Advertising Council and The American Heritage Foundation.
Leo Burnett’s Growth Trajectory
In 1944, the agency opened a branch office in New York City. In February 1967, the founder transferred all of his voting stock to a charitable organisation. Billings were then “nearing $250 million.
On March 20, 1967, the agency completed its acquisition of D.P. Brother & Co.
In December 1967, nearing the end of his career, Burnett delivered his “When To Take My Name Off The Door” speech at the agency’s holiday gathering. On June 7, 1971, Burnett went to his agency, pledging to colleagues to work three days per week due to health problems. That evening, at age 79, he died of a heart attack at his family farm in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois.
On November 3, 1999, Burnett and D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles announced the creation of BDM. BDM was quickly renamed Bcom3.
In September 2002, Bcom3 was acquired by Publicis Groupe, the world’s oldest and third largest advertising agency holding group and one of the largest agency networks.
Brazil-based independent advertising agency, Tailor Made was acquired by Publicis in 2011 and merged with Leo Burnett Brazil to form Leo Burnett Tailor Made. At that time, clients included Fiat, Procter & Gamble, Emirates and Chrysler.
Beyond 85
85 years down the line, Leo Burnett’s name, boldly etched in the door, is still inspiring the best of global advert creativity.
To celebrate and honour the works of its founder, Burnetters, as they proudly address themselves, have taken the path towed by only humane men. To impact its community in ways and manner that go on giving for a life time. Etched in four cardinal programme, Burnetters are empowering future creatives, putting food on the table, especially at this turbulent times as well as bringing sunshine on the faces of black children who ordinarily may not be able to afford reasons to laugh.
In an Instagram post on Leo Burnett handle, the agency gave reasons why they are celebrating.
“Leo Burnett’s ‘grit, determination and values’ have kept his name on the doors in every of its offices across the world since 1935 and to honour 85th anniversary, the agency worldwide is taking Leo Burnett’s spirit of creativity across three dimensions “Beyond 35WW”, “Beyond Talk” and “Beyond 85.”
In the agency’s words: “As part of activities marking Leo Burnett’s 85 years anniversary, after 85 years in this business, we’re beyond being coworkers, we’ve become a community. We’re beyond making small talk; we’re having real, hard conversations. And our support for our community has moved beyond numbers; we’re cultivating the next generation of creativity.”
For Beyond 85 the agency is empowering the only predominantly black university in Chicago, Chicago State University students to empower black students to become more creative.
“We’re taking our tradition of giving back beyond anything we’ve done before. In an effort to create change, The Pencil Project is expanding to create a pathway for students who are the difference that makes a difference, at Chicago State University (CSU); the only Predominantly Black Institution in Chicago. This is part of a long-term partnership with CSU to give our city’s Black community more access into the creative industry and help make a difference in the years to come.
“On 8.5, we’re giving every Burnetter $85 for every year we’ve been open and Leo Burnett will match every employee donation (over $25) to The Pencil Project, with a goal of $85,000.” So far, over $85, 000 have been raised thereby surpassing the original target.
“Our Citizens also have the opportunity to help create meaningful impact on the next generation of creativity by volunteering opportunities like mentoring and portfolio critiques. Together, all of your support can make a big impact,” the agency said.
Beyond 35WW tagged “Separated by Distance. United by Creativity”, Burnetters are encouraged to creating chalk art wherever they are and share their creations to inspire the future of creativity using #Beyond85. For each post, the agency would donate art supplies to local students with Off the Street Club, Chicago’s oldest boys and girls club located in one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods of West Garfield Park where children can truly find hope and are safe to play games, laugh and mentorship.
The agency also planned to spoil their employees with Grubhub gift card already sent to them under “Beyond Lunch” programme. Besides, through this programme, it is encouraging everyone to support Black-owned restaurants near them.
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