Kimberly-Clark global media, creative assignments up for review
CPG Kimberly-Clark, the global maker of Huggies, Kleenex, Scott and Cottenelle, has put up its global media and creative assignments up for pitch.
The media review excludes the U.S., which was awarded to Publicis Groupe last year. Incumbents outside the U.S. include Omnicom Media Group and GroupM.
According to a statement by the company, “Kimberly-Clark is in the process of conducting a global RFP for media and creative duties (excluding our US media business). This is part of the implementation of our Powering Care strategy.
We are doing this to better serve our brands and our evolving organizational structure. While we do not have any other details at this time, we will share more as we land on the best solution for our needs, which we expect to have completed by the end of 2024.”
Research firm COMvergence noted that Kimberly-Clark spent an estimated $510 million on measured media last year. About three-quarters of that spend is earmarked for North America—a little more than $380 million. Most of that spend is placed in the U.S.
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