Eyo Bassey, Payporte CEO is reshaping Nigeria’s online shopping
The name, Eyo Bassey, is too well known in the Nigerian ICT space because the man who bears it has been around for quite a long time, involved in so many things and impacted the space profoundly in so many ways.
Eyo Bassey is a software developer of international repute with imprints in Ghana, East Africa and the United States of America. He is an established entrepreneur and the ineluctable hand behind the successes of Rom-Flex Group, a Nigerian based system integration, IT and software company, and PayPorte Global Systems, a leading e-commerce company in Nigeria, where he is the GMD and Chief Executive Officer respectively.
Bassey is not in the cast of the “ubiquitous entrepreneur” always looking for revenue. Rather he is enamoured of revenue sharing business models and he believes in positive business outcomes through collaborations where clients and customers pay only for outcomes. His business template is “By pricing our services on results, we exchange fixed costs for a variable cost structure in an attempt to get clients to “market minus” versus “cost plus”, while helping clients adjust to the peaks and valleys of their demands”. Bassey is a versatile hand in the ICT sector.
He is an innovator, creator and developer of technology solutions, which, according to him, he nurtures to become successful companies. He selflessly hands over these companies to capable young teams to run them profitably, thereby, creating jobs and giving confidence to younger entrepreneurs. This trait of altruism and the will to help others stand on their feet has endeared him to many beneficiaries and other would-be entrepreneurs. Bassey has been involved in several projects across Africa.
Some of the projects are the enterprise business solution for the Ghana Post, roll-out of the e-passport for the Nigerian Immigration Service, set up of the largest e-library and e-learning hub in East Africa (MUBS Uganda), e-commerce (payporte.com), development of software for revenue collections by various state governments in Nigeria and establishment of electronic voters register for the Nigerian government, etc. For his dexterity, hard work and exploits in ICT, Bassey has been recognized with a number of awards, one of them being the “Pan-African Leadership Prize for Excellence” by the African Student Union Parliament. He is an Honorary Citizen of Dallas, Texas and Alumni of the U.S. State Department.
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