Digital marketing strategies and email marketing


By Zion Rufus

Digital dependence has grown superficially. Marketers and advertisers are investing in digital strategies at a super-fast pace. According to reports, an estimated $146 million will be spent on digital marketing before the end of 2021.

However, with dozens of platforms and tools available, marketers have to figure out how to combine different marketing efforts to form a solid digital strategy that keeps revenue coming in; the goal of a digital marketing strategy is to build brand awareness, find new customers, retain existing customers, and increase revenue.

Digital marketing strategies include Content marketing, Email marketing, Digital advertising, Social media marketing, Organic and paid search, and Hosting online events. Content marketing connects with consumers through compelling and relevant contents like blog articles, videos, and infographics that influence their behavior, trust, and purchase decisions.

Social media marketing leverages the social media platforms to market, advertise, build online presence, attract new consumers, stay in the face and minds of existing ones, launch new products, conduct Q&As, get immediate feedbacks, and even employ influencers to communicate your message to a wider audience. Organic and paid search marketing helps customers find your website and product through organic SEO practices and paid search efforts.

Organically, you can create content for your website and blog that customers might search for and combine those efforts with paid search ads to bring customers back to your site.
Digital advertising involves using platforms like google ads, YouTube ads, and Facebook ads for promotional and advertising purposes, increase brand awareness, target new customers, and finding new leads.

One of the major aspects of digital marketing is email marketing. Email marketing attracts and retains customers with personalized messages that promote your content, brand, and product. You can segment contacts and use personalization techniques to deliver messages that customers can’t ignore.

Email marketing brings in an unbeatable ROI compared to other digital marketing channels. This strategy has the highest conversion rate, when compared to social media marketing, direct mail, and others. More promotional contents are sent by email than social media. Marketers gravitate towards email marketing because it’s effective and cost-efficient. Advances in email automation have made it easier than ever for marketers to personalize their messages. Personalization goes way beyond adding a subscriber’s name to the subject line.

Now you can segment emails, create tailored messages, dynamically change content based on the subscriber’s preferences, and insert more personal fields like job titles and locations.
Email and data collection makes it easier to gain access to the content; customers only need to provide some personal information like their job title, location, and email address. Email automation tools allow you to pre-make emails and schedule them, or deliver emails to subscribers based on their behavior.



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