Coca-Cola speaks out against racism, denounces George Floyd’s death
The Coca-Cola Company has roundly denounced systemic racism in the United States of America, citing the most recent being George Floyd’s death as a senseless tragedy.
The condemnation was made by the company during an event tagged “Stand As One employee dialogue”, led by James Quincey, Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola.
The company employees shared their experiences and questions, and many asked James Quincey to share his remarks publicly.
A statement from The Coca-Cola Company said: “We stand with those seeking justice and equality. The reality is there is a wound in the fabric of America that is not just healed – but is being reopened — racism. It begets violence, it begets death.
“Our pledge as a company is that we will do our part to listen, learn and act. Coca-Cola is committed to making a difference in our communities and within our company by mobilizing our history of advancing civil rights and by rallying the strength of our employees, families and friends. Our company must play a visible and proactive role in creating the change that is desperately needed. More progress must be made. It is our duty.”
The remarks, prepared and first shared with Coca-Cola employees during a virtual town hall by Quincey, said: “George Floyd. Killed. A senseless tragedy for him and his family. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. Philando Castile. Sandra Bland. Freddie Gray. Michael Brown. Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Trayvon Martin. All killed. All Black Americans, predominantly male Black Americans. All of whom should be alive today.”
The cola giant boss continued: “I, like you, am outraged, sad, frustrated, angry. Companies like ours must speak up as allies to the Black Lives Matter movement. We stand with those seeking justice and equality.
“Reality is that there is still a wound in the fabric of America that is not just not healed – but is being reopened. Racism. It begets violence, it begets death. Now, with George Floyd’s death, I’ve been reflecting on our duty to Black people in America. Simply put, America hasn’t made enough progress, corporate America hasn’t made enough progress and nor has The Coca-Cola Company.”
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