Netflix announces Expedia Group as first global advertising partner
By Oluwaseyi Lawal
Netflix has unveiled Expedia Group as its first-ever global advertising collaborator. The streaming service intends to roll out a multi-market promotional campaign on its ad-supported subscription tier throughout 2024.
This collaboration is geared towards supporting Expedia Group’s worldwide expansion initiatives while enriching Netflix’s array of advertising opportunities across multiple countries for marketers and subscribers.
“We’re excited to be working with Expedia, our first global advertising partner,” stated Amy Reinhard, president of Advertising at Netflix.
She emphasized the importance of the collaboration in delivering ads that are contextually relevant to actively engaged ad-supported members, thereby enhancing the viewing experience and positioning Netflix as a premier global advertising destination.
With years of brand and technology transformation behind us, we’re now leveraging new capabilities to go on the offense globally: winning AI based products, reinvented brands, and a loyalty construct in One Key that offers customers one travel ecosystem for all their needs,” said Jon Gieselman, president, Expedia Group. “As global consumer habits rapidly evolve, we are always looking for innovative opportunities to showcase our brands and story-tell locally. Netflix’s product allows us to reach a rapidly growing audience. We aren’t afraid to be first and I look at this partnership as just the beginning.”
The streaming advertising partnership commences this month in Japan, with Expedia aiming to strengthen its presence in the country through a promotional campaign. This collaboration extends to several other markets, such as the U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., France, Germany, Australia, and Brazil.
Expedia’s global brand positioning, “Made to Travel,” will be showcased through various ad formats, including 15-second, 30-second, and 60-second spots, created by their internal creative team. Directed by Hiro Murai, the campaign focuses on Expedia’s package price tracking tools and includes localized ads tailored to specific languages and cultures.
The partnership represents a positive step forward for Netflix, aligning with its objectives for growth and expansion in the ad-supported tier. Netflix’s ad-supported tier has garnered 23 million monthly active users, with additional formats like pause ads scheduled for release in the upcoming months.
This global collaboration follows Netflix’s previous co-branded ad campaign in the previous year, featuring Geico’s Gecko and Netflix’s Leo characters.
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