Staying focused on your mission

By Ajayi Anne Olubukola

As God’s children, we have one basic responsibility: to spread the good news of Christ to any and all creation (Mark 16:15). We are the apple of God’s eye, and thus Satan’s adversary. As a result, Satan does all in his power to drive us away from God, our Father. We must concentrate solely in order for this not to become a reality. Maintaining a focus means not being distracted. It is to keep your sights set on the goal and do everything in your power to achieve it. It is extremely important to be determined in order to complete the processes required by your specific goal. It is to devote your time, energy, and attention to the objective you have set for yourself.

Setting a goal is insufficient. You must see it through to the end; otherwise, you would have wasted your time in the first place by setting that objective. In order to reach specific milestones in our lives as humans, we have goals and things we want to do. Some people refer to it as a bucket list, but are we willing to go to those lengths and make the necessary sacrifices and efforts to see our goals realized? The response is that many of us are not prepared, but that there are things we can take to prepare.

Only when you value your chosen goal will you be capable of keeping your focus. A person’s significance to you will significantly affect how well you get along with them and how much integrity and accountability you show them, for instance. As God’s children, Jesus exhorts us to maintain our attention on the eternal kingdom of God and the things of the kingdom, and all of our needs will be met, as long as we maintain our attention on him. Matt 6:33.This also applies to your goal; if you set one and are committed to achieving it, it will succeed. When you are genuinely committed to your goal, you won’t have any trouble achieving it because seeing that your goals are realized will be your top priority.

One must learn to stay focused. So, you must decide to devote all of your time to your assignment. Staying focused is a key element in accomplishing a set goal. You must avoid being sidetracked by anything or anyone once you have written down your goals and objectives, which is essential to ensuring that they become a reality. You will make progress and increase your chances of success when you put in the adequate and appropriate time and effort. You must not be lazy if you want to complete your tasks. A sluggish person ought not to eat; 2 Thessalonians 3:10. If you want the outcome you want, set aside a period of time and see it through to the completion.

To attain your objectives, you must focus on the Bible every day. If we want to produce spiritually and in other ways, the Bible is our source of guidance and our daily bread – Joshua 1:8. We are directed to meditate on it day and night. If we study the word of God, we will find that everything we require to endure the daily struggles we experience on earth has been made available to us. It would be helpful to do your assignment if you started listening to sermons and messages from outstanding ministers of God.

As Christians, we have everything we need in order to accomplish greatness at our fingertips—we just need to study and reflect on God’s word every day. The bible is more than simply a book; it also serves as a blueprint on how you’re supposed to conduct yourself in life on a regular basis. It has a wealth of knowledge on how to manage challenging circumstances when they arise. The Bible has all the information we require in order to guide you in achieving your goals.

Christians need to be aware of the possibility of frenemies (these are enemies who pretend to be friends) because they want nothing more than to keep us from completing our life’s purpose. They are only in your life to divert your attention away from the task that God has given you, causing you to lose sight of your reward in heaven and divert your concentration to earthly things that are purely and simply vain. Instead, we ought to cherish those pals who play an important role in maintaining our attention on both our task and the directives God has provided you.

Friends that love to see you grow and want you to be the best version of yourself should not be taken for granted. If you have them, keep them close to your heart because they are worth more than gold and you need them if you reach your set goal. Keep your head up high and never give up on your chase of your objective. Avoid friendships with people who don’t share your objectives and seek out connections that will help you concentrate more on your task. Spend some time reading and reflecting on God’s word, praying to Him, and limiting your exposure to doctrines and music will all help you finish your project.


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