Why storytelling should be a priority for marketers- Experts

By Zion Rufus

Storytelling has evolved beyond “just marketing” as it now sits as one of the most powerful marketing strategies and an essential skill in the business world. The essence of storytelling is to use a narrative to communicate a message that will inspire the audience to take action. 

Brand stories that are engaging, entertaining and/or emotional can help to get potential customers to buy into the brand rather than individual products, as it helps the audience form a strong connection with the brand.

As we look forward to the next MARKETING EDGE Quarterly Virtual Summit 2022, we have highlighted some expert views on the Art of Storytelling from pros at the 2019 Summit. 

Need for in-depth research for thorough understanding of the audience — Yinka Adebayo

The MediaReachOMD Director shared that storytelling has become an integral part of the industry. However, he noted there is an urgent need for media agencies and creative agencies to carry out in-depth research for thorough understanding of the audience. 

In his words: “Nobody can tell your story better than you. In this era of marketing communication that is becoming highly competitive, for you to remain unstoppable, you need to be untraceable and the only way that you can be untraceable is to go through the route of storytelling. The challenge for the creative agencies is to make sure that they come up with materials that are enduring, materials that are emotive and materials that people can relate with and once they relate with it, it is easy to spread it on. It is only when you understand the audience that you can come up with relatable and enduring materials. Once your material is enduring and relatable, people will on their own download it and start sharing it so they spread the gospel even beyond what you are paying for.”

The challenge is on the content creators — Abiodun Atunwa

According to General Manager, Acuity Media Limited, Abiodun Atunwa, consumers of today and the way to target them have changed. Sharing his viewpoint, Atunwa noted that the challenge is on the content creators to be able to ensure they capture their audiences within a few minutes. 

He pointed: “So, the challenge now is how do you create content that the consumer will not be inclined to press that skip button and they hold on and you capture their attention long enough for them to watch your ad video to the end. So, that is where I see the major challenge for content providers.”

There is need for professional collaboration and consumer engagement — George Thorpe

Buttressing collaboration, Chairman, Market Space, George Thorpe stated that storytelling has the capacity to help brand owners achieve their growth projections if deployed in a consumer-centric manner.

He said: “Without professional collaboration and meaningful consumer engagement, consumers may not heartily connect with a story. Now more than ever before, stories should make the consumer the hero; he should see himself in the story. The philosophy of the story should not overshadow the brand.”

Storytelling has become very important as a primary marketing tool — Ronan Redmond

Commercial director, TVC Communications, Ronan Redmond submitted that it has become very important in today’s business of marketing and advertising for brands to create emotional connections with consumers and to break through the clutter and noise that all individuals are exposed to everyday as they go about their daily lives. 

According to the Director, the focus is now on tapping into consumer emotions and using those emotions to create connections between the consumer and the brand. 

“When engaging in storytelling, think first about how you can provide value to your audience. This will help build customer relationships and ultimately drive revenue. Also, it is important to be aware that trying to reach a broad audience with the same message can also be difficult. Instead, content which is focused on specific target and or niche audiences can be far more effective in generating the desired emotional impact,” Redmond stated.

Authenticity is non-negotiable in storytelling — Felix King

Managing Director, Oracle Experience, Felix King Eiremiokhae maintained that brand stories must be authentic, and as well geared towards achieving lasting engagement.

“In experiential marketing where I practice, for example, what we do is to engage consumers in the art of the brand storytelling. Stories are not complete if the consumer cannot see himself in it. If the consumer cannot see himself in the story, then it is not a well-told story,” King explained. 

Technology has a vital role to play in effective storytelling — Dozie Okafor

CEO PHD Nigeria, Dozie Okafor on his part believes that the central place and vital role of technology in the art of effective storytelling must be emphasized at all times.

He noted: “Worthy of note is the fact that major international brands like Nike and Netflix have been able to create unique experiences for consumers using technology.”

Storytelling cannot be effective without research and relevant data

Validating Okafor’s submission, Managing Director, Starcom Media Perspectives, Jude Odia shared that storytelling cannot be effective without research and relevant data. 



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