Why Nigerian brands are falling in love with video
In 2012 when Noah’s Ark launched Vconnect’s “You go Connect” video campaign on Youtube, the agency was naturally confident that the content, which was designed to expand the brand awareness of Vconnect and inspire growth was going to deliver according to expectation. But what they got was beyond their wildest imagination as the video became an instand internet sensation.
Till date, the creative content which features the late OJB and DJ Tee alongside others has been viewed over 2million times and still counting.
Another successful video campaign by a Nigerian brand, is the 70g Indomitables Pack Launch video advert which was uploaded in 2014. The content which was equally crafted by Noah’s Ark, led the Youtube chart in 2014 as the most viewed ad in Nigeria, with over 1million views.
The success of these campaigns, indeed lays credence to the fact that video advertising is becoming the new normal in the advertising landscape in Nigeria because it helps brands stand out from the noise, capture consumers’ attention in a more visual way than text posts can, and sets them ahead of the curve as content incorporates more and more multimedia formats.
Facts have showed that Nigerian consumers love online videos and they are spending more of their time watching video content, especially in the last fews years. Expectedly, this paradigm shift has motivated more brand owners to demand videos as a form of engaging their consumers, Abasiama Idaresit CEO Wild Fussion told MARKETING EDGE.”Brands are beginning to use videos to engage their consumers and we have seen more campaigns being deployed using videos,” the Wild Fussion boss said.
Of course video advertising is not just trending in Nigeria, it is a global phenomenon that has snowballed into a multibillion dollar industry. So while it may be difficult to put a figure on the worth of the segment in Nigeria, BI Intelligence, a global research agency, has said that digital video ad revenue will reach almost $5 billion in 2016, up from $2.8 billion in 2013 in the US alone.
One of the factors that is driving this new reality is that the cost of data has contiued to fall over time, as telco companies and Internet Service providers are engages in price war in their bid to woo new subscribers and expand market share. “Though the prices are still too high when you compare with other countries but what we have now is much better and encouraging,” Babatunde whose agency works on major brands including Heineken and Maltina.
Dayo Adefila, CEO of Hot Sauce also noted that the price slash is a positive development for both the brands and the digital marketing agencies. “Before now, pricing was a huge limiting factor because customers were very weary of cost of data. Now digital marketing agencies can push their campaigns further while customers will be more willing to interact and engage, as it is affordable.
But despite what has been accomplished so far, it is nothing compared with what the future holds for video advertising in Nigera. According to Abasiama, the future holds even bigger prospect for video advertising. But for that future to become a reality, experts have stressed the need for the digital marketing industry to produce more content developers who have a deep understanding of the marketing communications and how brands work.
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