NIPR National Council announces its Election Guidelines for 2021
In a bid to inform its members on the upcoming national election, which will take place on 20th May 2021, National Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) has announced the guidelines for the election in a notice signed by Principal Assistant Registrar, NIPR, Kayode Yeku.
According to the statement, the Electoral Committee is charged with the conduct of election of 17 Governing Council members from all the 36 state chapters in the country and Abuja, the federal Capital Territory. Also, it is to supervise the election of the President and the Vice President.
Election shall be by secret ballot. Any member who has not been recertified and is not up-to-date in the payment of annual subscription up to year 2019 shall be disqualified from the election.
The payment of annual subscription shall qualify one to vote and be voted for as follows: Fellows to pay a sum of N25,000.00, member N15,000.00, associate N10,000.00.
Any candidate whose Nomination Form contains false declarations in any manner stands disqualified. All contestants shall conduct their campaigns in an orderly and decent manner at all times.
Campaigns including sloganeering, display of placards, banners, posters and handbills shall not be allowed at the venue of the election. Any contestant or their agents who violates these rules stand disqualified. Campaigners shall also be disqualified for any breach of this order.
Each contestant may be required to address the house for a maximum of three (3) minutes. Ballot papers will contain the names of all duly cleared contestants for the said election.
Every contestant/voter must cast his/her ballot paper into the ballot boxes/baskets provided for the election with the names of contestants boldly displayed on the boxes. However, any ballot cast into the box of a candidate different from the name on the ballot paper will be voided.
Each contestant will download the nomination form from the institute’s website at www.nipr.org.ng under Resources/downloadables.
Each contestant must pay to the NIPR Union Bank Account Number 0005794220, a non-refundable application fee of Twenty -Five Thousand Naira Only (N25,000.00) to obtain the 2021 Election Nomination Form from the NIPR Web site. Please attach photocopies of receipts of all payments for nomination forms and annual subscriptions made.
Each contestant must be nominated by two (2) paid up and recertified members of his/her chapter with relevant receipts attached.
Completed nomination forms shall be returned with copies of all relevant academic and professional qualifications and one copy of passport photograph of the candidate to the Secretary, NIPR 2021 Electoral Committee C/o NIPR Secretariat Abuja office on or before Thursday April 15th 2021. Forms not delivered/submitted to the NIPR National Secretariat Abuja will not be treated. You may also come along with your completed nomination form to the venue of the screening exercise.
Contestants must submit the name and passport photograph of one polling agent each to the NIPR Electoral Committee during the screening exercise. Such polling agents are expected to be paid up, recertified members with relevant receipts attached.
Members of the Electoral Committee are not eligible to vote or be voted for. Screening of candidates will take place on Thursday 15th April 2021 at the national secretariat of the Institute, Plot A4, A.R.O; Plaza, Herbert Macaulay Way, Zone 6; Abuja commencing from 12.00 noon to 6.00pm.
List of cleared candidates will be published on the Institute’s website on Tuesday April 20, 2021. Accreditation based on the list of paid up, recertified members and voting will start simultaneously at 10.00am on 20th May 2021 with the announcement of results immediately after collation. An Electoral College of Council Members-Elect shall proceed to elect the President and Vice President of NIPR.
Presentation of Certificates of Return will be done after announcement of results. Any state chapter with more than (100) One Hundred registered/recertified members may produce not more than (2) Two members of council, provided the (2) fall within the first (17) elected members at the end of result collation for that election.
The decision of the Electoral Committee shall be final and not subject to any litigation. Please note that all participants at the Annual General Meeting MUST comply with all the necessary protocols of Covid-19 as stipulated by the relevant health organisations and organisers of the NIPR 2021 Annual General Meeting.
Please note that non compliance with the above guidelines shall lead to the disqualification of the contestant.
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