Nexcel Marketing partners Veative Labs to boost STEM education
Nexcel Marketing and Communications Limited has partnered with Veative Labs, a global provider of interactive Virtual Reality Education Content, with a view to boosting the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) concepts.
“STEM” is an important educational topic sweeping through homes and schools across the world. STEM is an acronym representing the huge push to teach and involve students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Due to low enthusiasm in many schools, both parents and teachers are striving to find new and better ways to create greater interest in these critical learning topics. These classroom subjects give children relevant keys to a booming future in one of these science-driven fields. Although there are many ways to help encourage a STEM education, Virtual Reality makes teaching and learning of STEM concepts engaging, involving , impactful and memorable
The quest to take Virtual Reality experience beyond games and contribute to rekindling of interest in the learning and teaching of STEM concept in Nigeria, necessitated Nexcel Marketing’s partnership with Veative Labs.
Tagged “Veative VR Module,” the application is localized to any language backed with OST (on-screen text) and VO (voice-over) to take care of different learning styles, including auditory learners. Information on Veative is also presented in clear immersive visuals.
Veative Labs, is the largest global provider of interactive Virtual Reality Education Content dedicated to improving learning outcomes in the classroom. Veative offers the only virtual reality education solution that combines powerful virtual reality technology with research-based instructional practices, formative assessment data, and usage analytics.
On the other hand , Nexcel Marketing has been in the vanguard of promoting Virtual Reality Experiences for Games and entertainment with bespoke Virtual Reality arcades deployed in leading Shopping Malls in key cities pan Nigeria which has heightened the awareness of VR technology in Nigeria..
Speaking at the unveiling Ceremony in Lagos, the Chief Experience Officer of Nexcel Marketing , Mr Uduak Bassey said “ the Veative VR modules are curriculum aligned, practical, and interactive covering the core science subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology , Mathematics and English Language in Secondary Schools” .
Continuing, Mr Bassey emphasized that Veative VR bridges the gap between knowledge and understanding, connecting students with concepts by provoking higher-order thinking and a deeper sense of what something means by giving students the chance to experience things they otherwise couldn’t.
Once you put on the Veative VR Headsets , it practically takes you into an immersive, distraction-free environment. As you select the subject and topic of interest, it starts with clarifying the learning objective followed by paying attention to the core concept and thereafter the assessment all within the virtual space.
“This technology encourages students to become active learners rather than passive recipients of information. With the varied immersive experiences it offers, virtual reality transforms both teaching and learning processes. It is the ultimate medium for delivering what is known as experiential learning,”Mr Bassey said.
He highlighted Veative VR uniqueness to include:
- Veative is the King of VR Content – has the largest Inventory of Science Education VR Content globally
- Useful Online/offline. This ensures that Veative VR contents are accessible to EVERY student in the world, regardless of where they are.
- It is localized to any language backed with OST (on-screen text) and VO (voiceover) to take care of different learning styles – Auditory Learners. Information is presented verbally – All modules are voiced. Visual Learners. “Show me and I will understand.” – Pretty obvious in the Kinesthetic Learners. These are the experiential learners, learn by doing – Veative VR is interactive.
- Veative VR allows the teacher to be much more closely involved in the learning process, even though the students are working on their own. Veative encourages distraction-free learning enabling students to focus and concentrate on concepts. But at the back-end Veative is able to collect data and provide analytics which shows progress and gaps in learning. The Analytics can be viewed by the Teacher and even at school management level to check results and track progress.
- More Importantly , Veative VR is very affordable and is designed to democratize knowledge impartation of tough STEM concepts
In Summary Veative VR offers:
- Access to 650+ offline library of Veative VR simulations covering subjects in Chemistry, Physics, Math and Biology and 18 Virtual Tours.
- Access to 1000+ online Veative curated VR content library
- Access for teachers to create their own playlist from Veative library or 3rd party VR based content available on Internet and cast to students.
- Personalized student analytics & Reports
- Individual profile for every student for individual tracking and progress reports for teachers and moderators
- Classroom statistics and progress reports
- Online/Offline based teacher control.
- Remote VR device Management
To set up a FREE Demonstration Appointment in your School, kindly send us an email [email protected]
Or call +2348072573686
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