Coca-Cola to reduce own greenhouse gas emissions to 25% globally
Coca-Cola has announced it has reduced its emission to 24% globally since 2010 and set a science-based target to continue reducing its greenhouse emission to 25% by 2030.
The giant beverage producer says the impacts of climate change are being felt across the world and believes it has a responsibility to contribute solutions by reducing own emissions and building resilience through helping businesses and communities to adapt to climate change.
This was made known via its twitter handle, the tweet, “We have reduced our emissions by 24% globally since 2010 and set a Science-Based Target to continue reducing our carbon footprint. We focus on the advancement of climate action, which is why we support the We Are All In statement.
In a short story telling video tweet, Coca-Cola started: “we are aiming to reduce our greenhouse gas emission 25% by 2030”.
It says the science based target is to further decrease carbon footprint globally. “24% reduction of the carbon footprint of the “drink in your hand” Our “drink in your hand” goal was set in 2013 to take a bigger step toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our full value chain. To date, we have cut our carbon footprint by 24% toward our target of a 25% reduction by the end of 2020, against a 2010 baseline.”
It says solutions in manufacturing, distribution, refrigeration, ingredients and packing are being implemented to reduce CO2 emissions.
“In Mexico, importing one plant’s energy consumption has reduced emission and increased efficiencies by more than 22%.”
“A rooftop Solar power plant in Austria reduced our carbon footprint by equivalent emission from 400 cars.”
“In U.S., we are on track to create own goal of only placing energy-efficient HFC-Free coolers for new beverage equipment.”
“Reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions through Science-Based Targets, Our updated Science-Based Targets aim to further decrease absolute carbon emissions across the Coca-Cola system. Our target aligns with the guidance of SBT initiative as part of the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims for corporate targets to be in line with what is necessary to limit global warming.”
“Carbon transparency is key to progress; the urgency of climate change requires us to rethink how we plan for the future. To guide us, we are using the framework developed by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures to identify key climate risks and potential opportunities across our business and position ourselves to disclose these risks to our stakeholders, shareholders and customers.”
The company says climate change is a profound challenge and its patterning with Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), World Wildfire Fund (WWF), We Mean Business Coalition, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, WaterAid, Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), World Resources Institute to overcome the climate challenge.
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