Category: Features

PR Beyond publicity stunts

Public relations has suffered a 'reputation crisis' over time. A profession designed...

Crisis Management: Lessons From The COVID-19 Pandemic

Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are my men of the decade by Far. Just a few months...

Building Brand Equity with Integral Ad Science

All marketers want their brands to be safe. That’s a given. Now the next level...

Create a Winning Identity Strategy

Understand Customers, Deliver Value, Build Real Relationships Your brand’s ability...

How brands can break the COVID-19 clutter

Industry experts say the key lies in adopting the ‘walk the talk’ approach wherein brands...

Elev8 Media Launches Live Stream on Billboard with UBA Africa Day

Elev8media, an iconic top of the market Digital Billboard platform has successfully...

Content Marketing in Africa: Storytelling with appreciation of culture, history & future

As non-African brands continue to increase in popularity with African consumers,...

Covid-19 has created a crisis of context for advertisers

The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges for every industry around the globe....

5 Tips for providing great social media customer service

Unless you invented a business that doesn’t deal with people, your ability to offer...

The unfettered response: The political risks of a globalized supply chain

I want to change it up today. Unlike the majority of leaders, I want to speak to...