Category: Features

The importance of PR on corporate organisations and businesses

The role of Public Relations has been so much underestimated and most times, relegated...

How Nigeria’s soft drink makers test their pricing and volume power

In a tough consumer economy, pricing and volume can become powerful marketing tools...

4 ways brands can incorporate chat messaging into marketing strategy

Chat messaging has become an effective communication channel between customers and...

The don’ts of social media marketing

Ah, social media marketing - the buzz words of today. When a customer searches the...

The future of advertising could be staring you in the face

Now we have the ability to put ourselves in our favourite films by uploading a single...

Avoid disruption, reach ‘techquilibrium’ in any industry

The opening keynote of Gartner Symposium 2019 was a comprehensive session on 'winning...

Today’s experiential marketing is all about content creation

Experiential marketing starts from a narrative. Events marketing, on the other hand,...

Five skills brand managers need to survive the 4th industrial revolution

There have been plenty of predictions surrounding the fourth industrial revolution...

5 Ways to make the most of reviews

Are you having a hard time getting reviews? Or get so many that you aren't sure what...

The Tecno’s Transsion 48.7% market share in Africa

This is huge – Tecno parent company, China-based Transsion Holdings, now commands...