Startimes tells African story with “News Central”
Startimes is set to cause a major disruption in the PayTv business in Nigeria as it launches a news channel fully devoted to African news. The channel, “News Central”, is set to debut on StarTimes, channel 274, on January 1, 2021.
According to information on its Twitter page, News Central, a 24-hour fully-dedicated news channel, is focused on telling the African story and changing the narrative of the continent. News Central is available on both Direct to Home(DTH) and Digital Terrestrial television(DTT)
Commenting on the launch of the new channel on its Twitter page , Startimes said the news platform represents the dreams, aspirations, spirit, colour, and humanity of the people of the continent.
“We are a television news station fully focused on telling the African story and changing the narrative of the continent. We believe in ‘Africa First,’ our slogan which positions us to drive the need for telling the true African story from our perspective. We will do this through exciting and innovative content, news discourse, current affairs programming with in-depth reporting, solutions journalism and hyper-local content that accounts for the different regions of the continent.
The leading PayTv station also reiterated its commitment to deliver on the brand promise of the latest news channel on its platform: “We are the brand managers of Africa and driven by our passion, we are set to keep you educated and entertained as we bring to you the untold stories of Africa. At News Central, we are raising the bar of news reporting in Africa.”
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