Fastest Shedder, a reality television show committed to encouraging healthy living...
“We screwed up,” admits Harris Diamond, CEO of McCann Worldgroup, sitting in...
Brands’ usual approach to modelling marketing effectiveness is through multi-touch...
President of the African Public Relations Association (APRA), Yomi Badejo Okusanya,...
With over 300 registered practitioners as members, Advertising Practitioners Association...
The global travel booking abandonment rate averages 90.74% for 2019 so far, with...
Two-hundred-and-eighty-one-billion. That's a lot of emails being sent every day by...
An overwhelming leadership and membership, including a who’s who of Nigeria’s...
Is brand storytelling just another marketing term that requires more effort and business's...
Don’t get me wrong - I love a great metaphor. But to be great it needs to work...