Omnicom wins most creative company of the year 2023

By Zion Rufus

In a final grand roll out of awardees at the week-long Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Omnicom has been named Creative Company of the Year 2023.

The announcement marks the culmination of a highly successful week for the global marketing communications leader.

Omnicom stood out among more than 120 agencies from 40 countries, as they secured over 175 Lions.

Further strengthening the company’s impressive achievement, two of its creative networks, DDB and BBDO, secured top positions in the Network of the Year category, with DDB claiming the coveted first place and BBDO securing the third spot.

The award recognized Omnicom’s unwavering commitment to delivering innovative and competitive ideas, driven by actionable customer insights. The company’s success can be attributed to its highly talented and diverse workforce, known for their ability to think big and collaborate effectively. 

Omnicom’s culture of creativity and collaboration has  also played a pivotal role in its ability to consistently deliver outstanding results for its clients, shareholders, and the communities it serves.

Spanning across various disciplines, Omnicom’s agencies showcased their excellence by winning Gold Lions in numerous categories, including Health & Wellness, Media, Public Relations, Creative Commerce, Brand Experience and Activation, among others. With over 175 campaigns entered on behalf of more than 115 clients, the breadth of Omnicom’s creative excellence was on full display.

The contributions of Omnicom Media Group were also recognized, with a collective total of 57 Lions, securing second place in the Media Network of the Year category. Additionally, within the Regional Network of the Year category, DDB Worldwide claimed the title for Europe, while BBDO Worldwide emerged victorious in MENA and Pacific.

John Wren, Chairman and CEO of Omnicom, expressed immense pride in the achievements of the company’s agencies, stating, “I am incredibly proud of how our agencies showed up this year. It’s always rewarding to see the hard work of our people across the globe recognized by Cannes Lions, the global benchmark for creative excellence. I want to congratulate them for their efforts; this award is a direct reflection of their brilliance and unwavering dedication to their clients.”

The prestigious Creative Company of the Year accolade arrives on the heels of Omnicom’s announcement of a series of groundbreaking generative AI collaborations with industry giants such as Microsoft, Google, Adobe, and Amazon. This latest triumph adds to Omnicom’s already impressive list of accolades in 2023, including being named Holding Company of the Year by The One Show and Ad Age’s A-List.

As Omnicom continues to push the boundaries of creative innovation and cement its position as a global leader, the company’s recognition at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity serves as a testament to its enduring commitment to excellence and its relentless pursuit of transformative ideas.


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