NIMN releases approved Code of marketing practice
National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) has released its Code of marketing practice. Tagged NIMN Code of Professional Marketing Practice 2020, the rules and regulations will take effect from 1st September this year.
According a statement made available to MARKETING EDGE, the Institute is committed to promoting the highest standards of professional conduct, ethical norms and values for all its members, including practitioners, academics and students.
“As marketers, we recognise that we not only serve our organisations but also act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating and executing the transactions that are part of the greater economy. In this role, marketers are expected to embrace the highest professional ethical norms and the ethical values implied by our responsibility toward multiple stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees, investors, peers, channel members, regulators and the host communities).
“In furtherance of the provisions of the Act, the Council therefore makes the following rules and regulations to guide the professional conduct of all marketing professionals in Nigeria and to maintain discipline within the profession. These rules and regulations will take effect from 1st September2020 and shall be cited as NIMN Code of Professional Marketing Practice 2020,” the statement said.
The Institute stated that it is the duty of all marketing professionals to appraise themselves of this code and to conduct themselves professionally in line with its provisions, adding that the code was issued as a directive to assist members to conduct themselves in a manner, which the Council considers appropriate to the profession in general and to the members of the Institute in particular.
“The Code must, of course, be read in conjunction with the Institute’s Act, other Laws or Act in force and binding on the marketing profession. Members who are in doubt as to their correct course of action in particular circumstances should obtain further advice through the Registrar of the Institute,” the statement said.
On compliance with Nigerian laws, the Institute said: “We expect at all times for marketing professionals to respect the laws of Nigeria, regulatory organisations, licensing agencies, or professional association governing their professional activities.”
Specifically, the Institute added: “The most important of the other relevant Codes are: Advertising -APCON Code of Advertising and Promotion guidelines and Nigeria Broadcasting Code.”
Citing various reputable national and international sources of the Code, the Institute noted: “This NIMN Code of Professional Marketing Practice draws extensively from the guidelines of the following organisations, to whom we are very grateful: America Marketing Association (AMA), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and Marketing Institute of Ireland (MII).”
Commenting on the Code, Mr. Tony Agenmonmen, President and Chairman of the Council said Council made the rules and regulations to guide the professional conduct of all marketing professionals in Nigeria to maintain discipline within the profession.
“It is the duty of all marketing professionals to appraise themselves of the code and to conduct themselves professionally in line with its provisions.
“I certify the NIMN Code of Professional Marketing Practice to be the true and correct decision of the Council of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) and approved by Annual General Meeting (AGM) of 16 July 2020, and is in accordance with the provisions of NIMN Act 25 of 2003,” he said.
The National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) was established by Act 25 of 2003. The Act recognises the Institute as the sole body for the regulation and control of the marketing profession in Nigeria. In addition to determining the standard of knowledge and skills required to be recognised as a marketing professional, the Act empowers the Council to make rules and regulations for the guidance of professional practice and conduct by marketing professionals.
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