2022: IMC leaders reveal New Year’s resolutions
By Zion Rufus
At MARKETING EDGE, we do not underestimate the power of a good New Year resolution and to this effect, we have gathered the most touching, and most thoughtful resolutions from some of the finest minds and thought leaders in our industry.
The millennium-old custom of making New year’s resolutions has become a secular practice today for people as they look forward to the clean slate of hope, optimism, and fresh opportunities ushered in with the dawning of a new year to reflect on the past year (or years) even as they set new goals for the year ahead.
As these resolutions range from dieting, relationship, and lifestyle to attitudinal changes, experts have also jumped on the age-long tradition to make fitting resolutions across their varying industries.
Chief Creative Officer /CEO, X3M Ideas and President of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), Steve Babaeko
“My new year resolution is to double down on our efforts to support all members of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria in every way that we can to ensure that we harness and plumb the depth of business opportunities available in Nigeria. Part of my resolution is to also continue to support APCON in their bid to sanitise the industry so that our members can continue to add value to the brands they manage”
President, Media Independent Practitioners of Nigeria (MIPAN), and Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer of BrandEye/Mediaplus, Femi Adelusi
“One of the major things I would like to see happen in 2022 is an outstanding AISOP implementation across sectors. I would also love to meet and exceed my business year-end turnover; to meet and exceed my personal goals; for Nigeria to win the Nation’s cup in Feb; for Nigeria to win the FIFA World Cup Nov/Dec in Qatar; for Arsenal to secure a Champions league spot; and a full lifting of the Twitter ban this January”
President of Experiential Marketers Association of Nigeria (EXMAN), and Group Managing Director of Republicom Group, Tunji Adeyinka
“My resolution is to see this industry reformed, it is very critical. And we want to begin to get people who are going to start putting out the facts. There is an economic value to every industry but no industry will grow if you have not put in enough in terms of incentives amongst other key things”
Managing Director, Starcom Media Perspectives, Jude Odia
“My resolution is to see growth in the market, a proliferation of platforms especially micro sites and blogs. I hope to see the budget shift to digital and more potential in our overall media spend. We are likely going to see more and more of the democratization of media, growing internet penetration, and digital fueled by mobile and video will continue to grow; Digital will fundamentally be the primary beneficiary of that growth because it will grow more at the expense of the traditional media”
Vice President of the Experiential Marketers Association of Nigeria (EXMAN) and Chief Executive Officer of Aster Integrated Marketing Limited, Tolulope Medebem
“My resolution as AsterIML moves into 2022 is to keep improving, growing, learning and becoming an experiential force to be reckoned with”
President, Association of digital marketing professionals (ADMARP) Nigeria, and VP Product Marketing and Growth at Terragon Group, Oti Ukubeyinje
My resolution is to continually drive ADMARP on the path to becoming the central hub for the digital marketing profession in Nigeria both from a people, knowledge and reward perspective. We spent last year thinking of how to position ADMARP as a home for world class digital marketers based in Nigeria. So this year my resolution is to position digital marketing as a driving force for business growth.
Head, Marketing Communications, Ikeja Electric, Oluwatobi Adekunle
“For 2022, the resolution I would love to see is a growth in the digital advertising budget, and a growth in influencer marketing to a level where we are competing globally. So one of the things we hope to do as an industry is to ensure that organizations and companies spend more on digital advertising, because if you look at it generally, digital is what brings in the conversion. On a lighter note, I would really love to see Arsenal qualify for the champions league this year”
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