How Nigerians came to love Black Friday
The crave by offline and online outlets across the world to boost the sales of their goods and services have gained a lot of momentum as organizations in Nigeria have joined the ever growing retailers in the globe to win their customers with promotional prices.
The phrase Black Friday meaning a day after Thanksgiving Day accompanied with a shopping context originated in Philadelphia, United States of America where it was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving Day.
Black Friday started in 1932 in the United states of America which is a day following Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday of November) and it has been regarded as the Christmas shopping season in the U.S. and most major retailers open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales.
However, Black Friday means different things to different people depending on what part of the world they are from but in recent times, the world is beginning to see Black Friday from the point of view of the Americans which depicts a day after Thanksgiving Day which opens the Christmas Shopping season with a lot of discounts from retailers.
Looking at the Nigerian scenario, Black Friday began in the country in 2013 when Jumia started the sales of their products online with numerous discounts and home delivery services to woo various customers across the country. They were soon joined by other online retail shops like Konga which branded its own Black Friday sales, Yakata.
But it was not until 2015 that Black Friday became a phenomenon in Nigeria. This was helped by the aggressive marketing campaigns and promos by leading online and offline retail malls in the country. And when Black Friday eventually dawned, millions of Nigerians were said to have made purchases online, with Konga alone said to have registered about 2.3million shoppers within the period of the promo.
The 2015 Black Friday was made even more remarkable by the disruptive entry of Yudala, a young online and offline retail store with a lot of ambitions. Yudala, unveiled wave after wave of promos and marketing activities prior to November 25, to excite and woos consumers. And until the end of 2016, it activities were actually a major source of worry for the big online retail brands like Jumia and Konga.
But surprisingly, as at the time of posting this report, Yudala was yet to announce its 2016 Black Friday deal.
Yet, this year’s Black Friday shopping is promising to be even bigger as Konga announced a 12 day promo, which began on November 14. Other shopping malls have sales promos that last more than the traditional one day, with some extending beyond November 25.
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