Grand Oak International Brands Limited Wins Best Performance Award in Q2 2015
Grand Oak International Brands Limited (GOIBL), a subsidiary of Lexcel Group has won the Chairman’s outstanding performance award for the year 2015 second quarter review after a rigorous appraisal using balanced scorecard, a global best practice performance management tool.
The award usually scheduled for the close of every quarter held at Zen Garden. Present at the event were the Lexcel Group chairman, Mr. Ola Rosiji, Group Managing Director, Board of Directors and management of all six companies involved in the competition.
Only six companies from the Group qualified to be appraised. They include: Allied Atlantic Distilleries Limited, Nigeria Distilleries Limited, Lexcel Products and Packaging Limited, Grand Oak Limited, Supreme Distilleries Limitedand the winner, Grand Oak International Brands Limited.
In a welcome address, the Group Managing Director, Mr. Anil Ahluwalia commended the Group’s subsidiaries for doing extremely well during the period under review. He also acknowledged the efforts put in place by the management and staff of the various companies to achieve the set target.
Citing the general economic situation in the country, Mr. Anil Ahluwalia observed that despite all challenges confronting the manufacturing sector, all the companies under review scaled the hurdles.
Grand Oak International Brands Limited Managing Director, Mr. Deepak Kalita also in a celebrative mood explained that the key success factors for them were a combination of teamwork, diligence and achievement of set target for his team.According to him what the company did was to strategically map out the market focusing on its white spirit wines one of which is the world class Magic Moment.
Deepak further added, “Having given my words to my team that all of us will put in more effort to achieve greatness for the second quarter and with that effort, good result was achieved.We are committed to achieving much more this year.”
Lexcel Group is a conglomerate employing over three thousand people and operates in diverse subsector like manufacturing, marketing and management services of the Nigerian economy. Its manufacturing operations cover all types of wines and spirits, non-alcoholic beverages, alcohol, agro allied products, plastic components and clean energy. Nigeria Distilleries Limited (NDL) is the first company set up by Lexcel Group in 1973.
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