EXCLUSIVE: “History made, we brought home the Lion for West Africa”- X3M Ideas Boss

By Zion Rufus

What a time to be alive!

X3M Ideas, the prominent Nigerian advertising agency, has achieved a monumental feat by securing Nigeria’s first-ever victory at the renowned Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. This momentous accomplishment has not only elevated the agency but has also brought immense pride and joy to the entire Nigerian advertising community.

During an exclusive interview with Marketing Edge at Cannes, Steve Babaeko, the CEO of X3M Ideas and President of the Association of Advertising Agencies in Nigeria, expressed his exhilaration at the agency’s triumph.

While acknowledging the significance of the LIONS award, which was obtained in the Health/Wellness Category for their groundbreaking campaign, “The Soot Life Expectancy,” a project developed in collaboration with the Extra Step Initiative, an NGO based in Port Harcourt, Babaeko restates that this prestigious LION  not only marks a breakthrough for X3M Ideas but also represents a historic win for West Africa, as the region had struggled to secure this accolade over the past 70 years.

“This victory removes the near embarrassment of not being recognized as a giant of Africa. Furthermore, our success at the Act Responsible honors with two solid awards reaffirms Nigeria’s prowess on the global stage. This year, whenever we say we’re from Nigeria, we’re celebrated as celebrities. The excitement and support we’ve received at Cannes have been nothing short of amazing,” he said.

“This award is a monumental breakthrough for West Africa. Over the years, while other regions have tasted victory, West Africa has struggled. Today, X3M Ideas proudly breaks those chains and brings this long-awaited recognition to our entire region. It’s not just a win for us; it’s a win for every practitioner in the advertising profession, past and present.”

The admirable advertising boss also lauded X3M Ideas for being the catalyst for breaking this long-standing barrier and re-emphasized that the victory is a collective achievement for all practitioners in West Africa.

He also expressed immense satisfaction that X3M Ideas had managed to overcome the absence of a Cannes Lions victory, which had previously been a cause of near embarrassment, and celebrated the agency’s role in solidifying Nigeria’s position as a giant in Africa.

In addition to their groundbreaking win at the Cannes Lions, X3M Ideas secured two remarkable awards at the Act Responsible honors. The agency was up against top-tier shops from the UK, Paris, and other global advertising powerhouses, yet they secured second place in the Environment category and first place in the Education category. These victories added to Nigeria’s success at Cannes Lions this year and garnered immense admiration and recognition from attendees at the festival. X3M Ideas’ achievements have been nothing short of extraordinary.

“The Soot Life Expectancy” campaign, which propelled X3M Ideas to this extraordinary achievement, addressed the critical issue of the detrimental effects of soot on the lifespan of Nigerians. This thought-provoking campaign showcased the agency’s exceptional ability to create impactful messages that resonate with audiences, while also driving tangible change and addressing societal challenges.

For almost seven decades, Nigerian agencies have aspired to gain recognition on the prestigious global stage of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. This year, X3M Ideas shattered the longstanding barrier during the festival’s 70th edition, clinching Nigeria’s first Cannes Lions Award. The agency’s groundbreaking campaign, titled “The Soot City Life Expectancy” for The Extra Step Initiative, captivated the jury and showcased the immense creative potential of Nigerian advertising.

The campaign devised by X3M Ideas revolved around raising awareness about the adverse effects of soot on the lifespan of Nigerians, particularly those residing in Rivers State. To reignite national attention on this critical issue, X3M Ideas developed an innovative formula that recalculated life expectancy based on the duration of time spent in Rivers State. By combining data on soot obtained from the German Environmental Protection Agency across 41 countries with the average air quality data of Rivers State and Nigeria’s official life expectancy, X3M Ideas created a groundbreaking formula. This formula was unveiled through a dedicated website, SOOTCITY.COM, where individuals could check their new life expectations. Additionally, strategically placed LED billboards across the country displayed the results, ensuring widespread visibility and engagement.

The conventional measurement of life expectancy fails to account for the unique challenges faced by communities in Rivers State, Nigeria’s second-largest oil-producing region. Since 2016, the region has been plagued by rampant oil bunkering, gas flaring, pipeline explosions, and the proliferation of illegal artisanal refineries, resulting in the largest recorded emission of soot in the country. On certain days, the soot particles in Rivers State reach levels 40 times worse than the World Health Organization’s 24-hour exposure guideline.

However, the conversation surrounding the soot crisis had gradually diminished over time as national attention shifted to other pressing issues, leaving residents in the dark. To reignite the national discourse and work towards a viable policy solution, The Extra Step Initiative partnered with X3M Ideas to launch the impactful campaign, “The Soot City Life Expectancy,” in February 2023.

The campaign harnessed data from 40 countries, acquired from the German Environmental Protection Agency and EIONET, and combined it with the average air quality of Rivers State and Nigeria’s official life expectancy. This innovative formula provided a more realistic life expectancy for individuals based on their exposure to soot. The campaign’s website, SOOTCITY.COM, played a vital role in generating awareness and engagement. It automatically generated a letter on behalf of each visitor, urging Nigerian senators to address the pressing soot problem. This multifaceted campaign utilized various media platforms, including print, digital, and out-of-home, to foster widespread awareness and drive tangible policy action.

“The Soot City Life Expectancy” campaign was met with great acclaim when it was officially launched in Nigeria. Its compelling message and innovative execution resonated deeply with audiences, attracting attention not only from the local community but also from the prestigious Cannes Lions jury.

X3M Ideas’ historic win at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity heralds a new era for Nigerian agencies and shines a spotlight on the immense talent and untapped potential within the Nigerian marketing and advertising industry. This groundbreaking achievement serves as an inspiration for other Nigerian agencies, encouraging them to push boundaries, showcase their creativity, and create impactful campaigns that resonate globally.

The victory of X3M Ideas and their impactful campaign, “The Soot City Life Expectancy,” not only marks a significant milestone for the agency but also for the entire West Africa region. It symbolizes the breaking of chains and the realization of long-awaited recognition for West African practitioners in the advertising profession.



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