PMB harps on governance continuity, patriotism in New Year message

By Oghale Mafuru

As President Muhammadu Buhari prepares to hand over the baton of leadership this year, he has urged his successor to consolidate on existing efforts and structures aimed for the economic and socio-political development of the country.

Speaking in a New Year message, the President who highlighted key areas of focus for this year, stressed the need for continuity in governance.

His words: “As we celebrate our wins and review obstacles, we all must understand that governance is a continuum, which still places a transitional responsibility on this administration to provide for the incoming government a non-partisan and objective roadmap for 2023. We as Nigeria; one country united under the will of God and actively growing as an indivisible entity, have been enabled year after year, decade after decade, to weather all stormy waters and emerge stronger and better where others have fallen and disintegrated. This has made us a unique nation across the globe and our continent”.

While assuring his administration will ensure a free and fair electoral process in the coming polls, he stated that modalities have put in place to facilitate a credible electoral process.

“In year 2023, Nigerians go to the polls to exercise our right to vote and elect a new Administration, it is an important year for our country to ensure that we have another smooth transition of government, to whoever the people have decided upon. This administration’s landmark Amended Electoral Act will ensure that we have free and fair elections across the Nation”.

He also urged Nigerians to be patriotic by exercising their franchise and desist from activities that will undermine credibility of the elections.

“We as Nigerians must also take responsibility to ensure we participate in ensuring that the 2023 elections are free and fair by not engaging in anti-state activities and other nefarious acts that may affect the run of the polls. We must also resist every attempt to be used by politicians to create unrest in any form to disrupt the elections. We, as government will ensure such activities are met with the full force of the law”.

According to the President, In 2023, his administration will focus on delivering key strategic priorities under the “SEA”, (Security, Economy and Anti-Corruption) Agenda.

“Focus on security; we will continue to engage, push back and dismantle the operations of both internal and external extremist and criminal groups waging war against our communities across the Nation. We will also focus on ensuring that free and fair elections would be held come February 2023. Our security forces are working in partnership to ensure the wins we have got in war against insurgency, banditry, secession and other crimes are sustained and more wins acquired.

“For the economy; our focus would be on maintaining and building economic growth through the national economic diversification agenda that supports the goal of national food self-sufficiency and growth in non-oil sources. The ongoing infrastructure revolution by our administration will see us deliver the key projects across the Nation in power, rail, roads, ports and technology.

“On the anti-corruption drive of our administration, we have created new records in this fight, growing from 117 convictions in 2017 to 3,615 convictions as at December 2022. We as a government are committed to ridding our nation of all forms of corruption, through the collaboration with all the arms of Government to effectively prosecute this fight” he explained.

He called for concerted efforts to move the country to an enviable position in the comity of nations of the world.


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