Hill+Knowlton named Campaign PR Network of the Year
Foremost global business magazine, Campaign has named Hill+Knowlton(H+K) Startegies as the PR Network of the year 2020 in the EMEA region.
According to the magazine, Hill & Knowlton had a great year, demonstrating agility to create some noteworthy campaigns. This included NHS #MakeItBlue, where, over the course of just two days, it arranged for 111 sporting and entertainment venues, national landmarks and historic buildings in the UK to turn blue through the #LightItBlue initiative.
To further underscore an outstanding year for the PR giant, the magazine noted that the agency created a Father’s Day film for the brand, featuring football pundit Ian Wright. It was a follow up on the Gillete work which was significantly made purely from unseen footage due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The magazine also noted that H+K made exploits in Europe devising campaigns for Berlin Brandenburg Airport and for Facebook in Poland, among others.
It would be recalled that the Hill+Knowlton network has a significant EMEA presence with more than 40 offices in the region as well as an extensive affiliate network. In 2020, it centralized its business development and HR functions, enabling more global business wins and ensuring the network had the right talent and teams in place to serve these clients.
About Hill+Knowlton
Hill+Knowlton Strategies is a global public relations consulting company, headquartered in New York City, United States, with over 80 offices in more than 40 countries. The company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1927 by John W. Hill and has been led since 2019 by Chairman & CEO AnnaMaria DeSalva. It is owned by the WPP Group.
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