Bishop Odetoyinbo encourages Nigerians to embrace humanity, promote peace ahead of Easter celebrations

The Most Rev. Dr. Peter Odetoyinbo, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Abeokuta, has sent a message of hope and renewal to Nigerians ahead of Easter celebrations.

In his message, the Bishop reminded Christian faithfuls of the goodness of God and His merciful acts towards His children. Dr. Odetoyinbo noted that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith and a source of hope and redemption for all believers.

His words: “The Easter celebration fills us with the testimony of the wonders of God by raising Jesus Christ from the dead. The scriptures relate to us the account of the life, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as salvific acts that transcends the machinations of men. God’s love is renewed and we are strengthened by this salvific event that no matter the pain and suffering we encounter in our lives and country, we have a God who cares and loves us.”

Encouraging all Christians to embrace the core values of humanity, including patriotism, faith, loyalty, honesty, and service to humanity, the Bishop urged elected officials to use their positions to serve the people and provide basic amenities that will improve the lives of Nigerians.

He emphasized that Christ did not abuse His power and privileges but rather used them to serve humanity, and called on all Nigerians to do away with sin and evil and to be reconciled with one another, promoting peace and unity in the country.

“What other way can Christ’s love be manifested in our world today other than the love we show to one another regardless of tribe and religion especially at this period that Nigeria is still in distress,” the Bishop continued.

“As people of the new life of the resurrection, we urge political office holders to join in the project of a better Nigeria where leaders will commit themselves to serving the people as Christ did. We admonish them to be close to the members of their constituencies and feel their pain and desire for change by using their offices to provide basic amenities that will better the life of Nigerians.”

Dr. Odetoyinbo further stated that Easter is a time of hope, new life, and new beginnings, reminding Christians of the power of Jesus’ resurrection to make all things new. He also encouraged believers to live in love, following the example of Christ, who loved and gave Himself up for us.

In his final message, the bishop emphasized that Easter is not just a time of celebration but also a time of reflection and renewal. He entreated Christians use this opportunity to renew their commitment to their faith and to imitate Christ in their lives.

He advocated: “We must return to the core values of humanity in our relationship with one another. Our national pledge challenges us to embrace patriotism in our country. The virtues of faith, loyalty, honesty and service to humanity should be the guiding principles for us all, particularly those that were recently elected into various political offices in our country. Let them reflect the true values of the resurrection as they begin to serve as Governors, Senators, Members of the National Assembly, Ministers etc.”

The Most Rev. Dr. Peter Odetoyinbo’s Easter message reminds Nigerians of the power of Christ’s resurrection and its significance in their lives. He encourages all to embrace the core values of humanity, promote peace and unity, and serve one another. The bishop’s message serves as a reminder of the hope and redemption available to all who believe in Christ’s resurrection.


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