Artificial Intelligence cannot replace human elements in Public Relations

By Zion Rufus 

The human element ultimately drives the success of PR, and according to Yomi Badejo-Okusanya (YBO), Group Managing Director at CMC Connect (Perception Managers) & President, African Public Relations Association(APRA), the importance of maintaining the human touch in PR, even in the era of AI, cannot be overstated. 

While discussing the influence and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the PR sector in Nigeria at the World PR Day event, YBO noted that while AI has the potential to perform various tasks efficiently, it cannot replace the strategic thinking and human element essential in the PR profession.

He encouraged PR professionals to view AI as an enhancer rather than a replacement as building and nurturing relationships still remain at the core of effective PR, and the human touch continues to play a critical role in establishing and maintaining these connections.

The renowned PR expert urged practitioners to embrace innovation and adapt to technological advancements to stay relevant in a rapidly changing landscape.

Drawing a parallel with the transition from typewriters to computers, Badejo-Okusanya emphasized the importance of doing one’s homework, innovating, and mastering AI to avoid being left behind. While acknowledging that AI has its challenges, he encouraged PR professionals not to fear it but rather to understand and harness its capabilities.

In his closing statement, the CMC boss re-emphasized the need for PR practitioners to strike a balance between leveraging AI tools and maintaining the human touch that is crucial for effective communication.

While AI can automate certain processes and provide valuable insights, the ability to craft strategic PR campaigns, build relationships, and navigate nuanced situations still requires human expertise and elements that drive successful PR campaigns.

The combination of AI’s capabilities and human expertise can lead to more effective and efficient PR strategies, leveraging technology while maintaining the core values of the profession.

At its core, PR is about building and maintaining relationships, understanding human emotions, and effectively communicating with diverse audiences; and these aspects require the unique skills and qualities that humans possess, such as empathy, intuition, creativity, and adaptability.

Moreover, successful PR campaigns are not solely based on data and algorithms; they require human insights to craft compelling stories, engage with stakeholders, and navigate complex communication challenges. Human PR professionals have the ability to understand the subtleties of human behavior, adapt strategies to fit specific contexts, and build authentic connections with audiences.

Additionally, PR involves decision-making that goes beyond what AI can currently offer. Ethical considerations, crisis management, and strategic planning require human judgment, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning. AI may assist in gathering information, but the final decisions and actions should be made by PR professionals who can evaluate the context and potential implications.

photo: Love, Death, and Robots



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