Cannes Lions brings brand, fans and band together

One of the exciting aspects of this year’s Cannes Lion awards is the exploration of the convergence between brands, fans and music.

A release from Cannes states “There are huge learnings for marketers in how music has weathered disruption and grappled with its changing relationship with consumers, and the stories of the winners and losers are both rich and fascinating.

The music industry has undergone a revolution in the last decade, across every single part of the value chain. It’s emerged as the driving force in digital download culture, and discovered new ways to create meaningful connections with fans along the way.

Billed to appear on this year’s Festival stage, you’ll find everyone from the godfather of hip-hop to artists dominating today’s charts. These include Lyor Cohen who built the careers of Kurtis Blow, A Tribe Called Quest, Kanye West and Mariah Carey; Johnny Marr, The Smiths’ legendary guitarist and pop superstars Jessie Ware and Paloma Faith and DJ Jax Jones.

As a sector, music’s managed to successfully re-invent itself in recent years, with stars trading their traditional loyal fan bases of listeners for deeper and more meaningful engagement. They might have been slow to react to digital downloads, but when it comes to building one-to-one relationships with their fans and customers, musicians have been at the forefront of the social revolution. And as this world of fan engagement continues to evolve, it is these stars that are starting to leverage another side to their social success, building partnerships with brands that give companies access to their customers that they could only dream of a few years ago.

The relationships between brands and bands are hard to get right. As countless poor executed musical tie-ups attest to, finding the right people to partner with and maintaining the relationship over time takes skill and effort. How do both sides come out of the deal creatively and financially rewarded and what does a good partnership actually look like? What can we learn from the past? And who are the new players you need to know about today?

At this year’s festival, some of the music world’s biggest names (and behind-the-scenes power brokers) will be on stage to expore what creativity means to them and how brands can get real ROI from partnerships and proffer answers to these burning questions.


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