Blackberry Puts Greater Privacy, Control in Hands of Users

BlackBerry Limited today announced the launch of a new BBM release on iOS, Android and BlackBerry smartphones. With this new release, BBM users can now take advantage of enhanced privacy and control features that allow them to take control over the messages and content that they share without any subscription fees.

BBM users can ‘Retract’ their message and pictures from recipients to take them back from their phone if they were sent as a mistake, or if they no longer wish them to be accessible. Plus, by setting a timer, users can control how long contacts can view messages and pictures that have been shared or communicate their location for only as long as they want to.

“Building on the renowned immediacy, reliability and security inherent to BBM, the new release provides unmatched level of privacy and control to BBM users without any subscription fees,” said Matthew Talbot, SVP, BBM at BlackBerry. “Keeping control over the messages and content that they share, BBM users can be ensured that what they share is always theirs to control.”


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