Trisat Develops Online School Management Platform

An online platform that will simplify school management activities has been launched by one of Nigeria’s innovative software development companies Trisat Communications Limited. The online platform is called

The platform, according to the firm, offers a complete suite of online based school management system, which comprises of smart payment system, smart testing system (CBT for Admission and Internal Exam), smart messaging system, students’ and data management systems as well as a digital tool to analyze students’ performance. The platform, which targets primary and secondary school owners, already boasts more than 10,000 student users in over 50 schools across Nigeria, driving efficiency in their management through Nortify’s several digital tools.

Nortify features smart admission system that facilitates admission process, making it easy, seamless and convenient as parents can register and enroll their kids from the comfort of their homes. This is facilitated through a smart admission module that also has the capability to offer instant or selective admission by leveraging Nortify’s smart technology that utilizes automated results to automatically shortlist successful candidates thereby saving school owners time and money, including the hassles that come with manual admission processes.

It also features a smart payment system, a finance module equipped with a smart fee collection device, enabling all transactions to be automatically reconciled and reported accurately. The smart finance module is also integrated with a debt tracking feature that tracks defaulters and sends them reminder notifications. This feature has been reputed, by existing customers, to reduce revenue loss arising from unpaid fees, by over 80%. The Smart payment system is also integrated with payment gateways that allows parent to make online payment.

Speaking about the solution, CEO Trisat Communications Limited, Mr. Oseni Abiola said: “Nortify is a smart school solution with some degree of intelligence that saves time on your daily routine. We developed the smart school solution mainly for primary and secondary schools to help them to streamline all their administrative challenges. Our solution is able to allow schools to run about 60% of their administration using technology. By adopting this technology, schools are able to save time and cost while providing convenience to parents, school owners and also to teachers.

“Nortify is loaded with smart features that take care of every process of school administration. Take for instance, Nortify is equipped with the students’ performance analyser, a digital tool that provides clear analytical picture of a students’ performance over a period of time. This tool has proved very useful to both teachers and parents as it goes through academic records and assessments over any period of time and explains the academic strength and weakness of a pupil/student, thereby, enabling them take necessary actions to meet students’ needs.

“The data management tool on the other hand provides invaluable tool to retrieving past academic records as Noritfy’s cloud based application, collects all the students’ information for easy retrieval at any time. The platform also features a smart messaging system that ensures that parents maintain seamless communication pathway with their wards while in school and with the school management.”

He added: “Every serious school willing to flow with the tide of technology should adopt Nortify. Our solution is even more suitable for organizations that have group of schools who want to unify their administrative policies across the schools. These include the government, religious organizations and even private organizations that own schools across the nation. Nortify provides a smart solution that helps these kinds of schools to aggregate all their multi campus data for a central analysis.”


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