Natures Gentles Touch unites with Campfire on Movie against Domestic Violence
In line with its commitment to advancing the cause of women, Natures Gentle Touch has partnered with Campire Films on its latest project, “Omoye”, a movie that addresses the social vice of domestic violence.
At a press conference to announce the movie, the General Manager, Natures Gentle Touch, Chijioke Anaele remarked that “Omoye” speaks to one of the most disregarded and pressing issues in Nigeria, for which all hands must be on deck to get rid of, for a saner, healthier society.
His words, “Our partnership with Campfire Films is one of the ways Natures Gentle Touch seeks to promote the confidence and self-esteem of Nigerian women, who majorly are our target market and unfortunately, often at the receiving end of domestic violence. We are convinced that everybody will benefit from a sane and stable society. “Omoye” is one movie that will contribute in arousing public consciousness about the vice, thereby helping to shape orientation for a better Nigerian society devoid of violence”.
The company is taking this corporate initiative as part of ways to continually impact the lives of its customers by connecting with them through their passion points.
According to the Brand Manager, Natures Gentle Touch, Anita Anosike, in addition to powering the movie, Natures Gentle Touch has also concluded plans on a walk against domestic violence to further project the importance of curbing the menace. “Although like every other evil, domestic violence might be tough to eradicate, we must continually raise awareness on its negative effects, not just us as individuals but also on the society at large. This is the core of this movie and that is why we are passionately supporting it as well as organizing a walk to raise consciousness against domestic violence,” she quipped.
On the theme of the movie, the Director and Co-producer, Uche Chukwu stated that “Omoye” is a movie that connects with victims of domestic violence, especially in the ghettos. “Though in recent times we have seen victims come out to speak about their experiences, but ‘what about the woman in Ajegunle, Makoko, Egbeda, etc, who considers it a prerogative of the rich to speak out against domestic violence.
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